
33 Audio Reviews

13 w/ Responses


in case you didn't notice you are just jammin@on summerime.very good .but...no song.no theme.o.k.i gave you 5 at votes.because of guitar plying.is it you?.verry jazzy.

BinaryGuy responds:

Ahh well,
jamming > you
so suck it!
thanks for the review!

entry level

ok.dude..listen to jazz.take notes.IT IS ALL WRONG.ornaments,phrase,etc.

not a song

not a song.just chords.not a song.and some lines.and where is the jazz par?.ok.maybe you know better.hahaha.

spamwangler responds:

so what makes a song then?
i dont recall calling it a song at any point.

also, where is your input onto this site? all i see is some unhelpful and negative comments. your reviews suggest that theres music that you like and music that is no good. and i quote-

"so,dude,i am a professional piano player and arranger(for orchestras and groups).life proved that i have somthing in common with music.but ypir game proves the opposite.like i barely can get the right notes?it's ridiculous.really.sorry.zero at votes and no star."-alexandrion

"1)you got no theme
2)one of the most common and uneintersting harmonic chane in the world
3)impro at right hand ,you use the blue notes in a bad(and ugly)way
4)you don't expect stars under the circumstances.or...do you?o.k.1 star for having started the keyboard.oh ,i see you work with a great musician who remastered this.like this was the problem.natahn ,be sincere too people.if you are musician.tell them the truth.in this case.no good.see above.anyway 0 at votes"- alexandrion

when you master the art of helpful and constructive critisism rather than your current "i know better than you and you are usless" attitude i will look forward to your input. until then stick to the music which you are apparantley so brilliant at, but havent quite got round to posting here for others to have their opinions on:)

not really jazz

to quote sorohan.ro.ambiental.yes.but nothing to do with jazz.so what?to quote another.anyway verry interesting choice of sounds.and of course the song.

LLAAPPSSEE responds:

Thanks for listening! : D
I wouldn't say it has 'nothing to do with jazz'
considering Evans is a jazz pianist. Your just thinking of jazz in its static form, in its classical form. It has its jazz elements. Its sound. It fits into other categories yes. Newgrounds needs an IDM genre. : (

listen to triosk.

3,4 the effort

three stars for the effort.ni swing absolutely.verry bad.and 0 for votes.keep studying and in 5-6 years ...maybe.

just 8

i gave you & stars because of the arrangement.the organ is too poor for the theme.you could use somthing like flute &trombone.also some other tricks to enhance tension.theme is verry good.drums also until a point wher they break.but i gave you 5 on votes so...i am not the bad guy.


negativu e perfect ptr o piesa pe care am scris-o prin 89 da nu am mai apucat sa o cant cu trupa respectiva .ca veni revolutziunea.poate tzi-o trimit.tema.sa te amuzi.

sorohanro responds:

mersi de review si nota
daca vrei pot sa-ti trimit negativul si sa-l ajustezi pe piesa (sau invers)
sunt multe standarde de jazz care merg pe structura asta, cine stie, e bun si pentru studiu

bravo ba!

piesa e buna de la prima nota,itzi dai seama ca scriu in timp ce ascult.sper sa nu imi para rau pana la final.da nu crez sa se intample.inainte de asta am ascultat piesa unui dobitoc ROMWELL.mama ce cretini se intampla prin muzica.la asta totusi parca tema de guit in a doua jumate se pierde in mix.in rest.10 plus.bun guitaristu.

sorohanro responds:

eu is cu chitara, daca se mai perde chitara in mix, e ca am incercat s-o mai "ascund" ca tare prost suna... deh, chitara de Reghin :)) pe bune... nu aveam altceva la momentul ala
e destul de veche piesa, de prin 2004~2005

bravo bayetzii!

buna tema,improvizatzia de sax beton,poate mergea mai lunga un picsi mai crescuta ritmic,la solouri,ma rog.foarte bine oricum.ce sa zic zece.plus.

sorohanro responds:

he he ... nu credeam ca gasesc romani aici ...
saxul e tras de un tip din New York (si se cam aude)
mersi mult

zece,da nu e pe bune

ca esti roman.altminteri...piesa nu e piesa ca nu are forma.plutesti printre inlantzuiri acordice pe valori largi si...hop,iete atmosfera de vis.mai punem un sunet de clopot,o vrajeala d-asta...etc.a.e multa intamplare in ceea ce faci.si muzica e altceva.ai niste incercari de teme,care nu vin de nicaieri si nu se duc nicaieri.bine ptr urechea ascultatoriului neavenit e o duda.da daca tot te bagi la genu asta ..hm.e de munca.mult.am dat-o pe romana sa nu intzeleaga populatzia ascultatoare.si macar timbral sa o fi ametzit cumva.ma rog asea e la inceput.spor la invatzatura.ca ai.asculta mult si scoate note.si un profesor de forme si armonie nu e rau.altminteri citatu din c\apu la lucrare e vast si include o gramad de chestii.nu trebe.doar sunete bine puse.restu e vrajeala.si nu pune toata lumea botu.




Joined on 2/8/08

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